20th December 2022 - Open Cocker Field Trial

Our 150th Field Trial meeting today at Hales by kind permission of Mr Alexander Hall was our 16 Dog Open Cocker Stake.
Headkeeper Steven Baker"Rosie" made everyone welcome in his usual jovial manner before leading the way to a mixed woodland with plenty of bramble and bracken. As you all know, this has been a difficult season for lots of shoots so we were very fortunate to be invited back to Hales following a 2 year break.
Our Judges for the day, Guy Stubbings on the right and Paul Seaman on the left quickly had the Trial underway but it was a while before we caught up with the birds. Our regular team of Guns, Steve Mear, Pete Bancroft, Dave Cooke and Brian Wilshaw performed well in the thick woodland with only the odd miss followed by the compulsory Micky Taking!!
All the dogs performed really well tackling the Brambles and some good work was seen. At one point Rosie took us into some Game Cover before moving back into the woodland.
We pressed on until the Judges had seen all the dogs and declared the Trial over.
Following a 2 Dog run-off the following awards were made.
First winning the Open Cocker Trophy donated by our second Chairman, Tony Horobin, The Shamrock Trophy for The Gun's Choice and The Tasco Trophy donated by The Late Mary Rountree for The Best Retrieve (which was a fabulous 100 yard Retrieve of a strong Cock Runner in the wood and completely unhandled) was James Luxford with Howesyke Silk making her up to Ft. Ch.
Second was Brody Chequer with Strigidae Surnia of Chequersmate winning the Runner's Up Trophy donated by Melissa Stubbs.
Third was Garret Marson with Delphaven Gina of Smallbrooks.
Fourth was Cwmceiliog Skid of Monagea handled by John Sexton.
CoM's were awarded to:
Karen Robertson's Perija September Song - handled by John Robertson.
Popsheath Abbie - Anthony Myers.
Wolferton Ashton at Shalloakewest - John Robertson.
Normicky Elsie - Matthew Farish.
Byrbwll Peaky Blinder - Jon Rees.
Massive thanks to our Sponsors - Skinners. BASC. Twicebrewed Twines. Gundog Journal. ACME Whistles. Sporting Saint. animology.
Great day and thank you to everyone involved.
Our Raffle in aid of The Gamekeeper's Welfare Trust raised - with donations, £192.00