4th May 2024 - Puppy, NDNH, Novice Retriever test
Dove Valley held their Puppy, ND/NH and Novice Working Tests at the beautiful Yoxall Lodge, Hoar Cross with very kind permission of Mike & Jane Chappell on Saturday 4th May.
A massively full card, the day was split in to two with the Puppies and Novice Handlers in the morning and the Novice Dogs in the afternoon. A glorious day, in an idyllic setting with blue skies and sunshine, the traditional Dove Valley bell was rung by Chief Steward Bob Seaman and the day began. The entire day ran with clockwork precision, the judges Reuben Mort, Kate Smith, Jane Sizer, Charlotte Wilkinson and Jackie Martin all given their instructions from Vanessa King who had previously prepared the 5 testing tests. Water, blinds, picking up exercise, double marks and walked up, the variety covered all scenarios and were certainly a true test.
Many many thanks to our army of helpers and volunteers, without whom we wouldn’t be able to run our days so efficiently, and to our fabulous judges who were generous with their praise and happy to advise and guide the newcomers, plenty of whom were first timers.
The results were as follows:
1st - Jane Fairclough - Stauntonvale Fondant Fancy
COM - Gary Ellison - Ollersett Nymph
1st - Ben Eshelby - Brioche Dozen
1st - Janey Beharrell - Bellelayne Bertha
2nd - Neil Appleton - Bryn Hall Benui of Applebriar
3rd - Petula Lowe - Tulane Bear of Bidbury
4th - Gill Smith - Zandawns Falls
COM - Hannah Atkins - Calladee Saule D’Or