9th December 2024 - Novice Retriever 12 Dog Driven Trial at Bagots Park
Dove Valley ran its 164th Field Trial Meeting on the 9 December 2024. This was a 12 dog Novice and our last Retriever trial of the season. This was a special trial for the club as it marked a welcome return to Bagots Park by kind permission of David Dale & his Keeper Sam Sayce.
Judges for the day were Steve Richardson, Jill Gardner, Charlotte Wilkinson & Matthew Ager. We had a wonderful team of guns who helped to support the trial. The Gun Team was James Barnes, Henry Carney, Becky Wilkinson, Brian Wilshaw, Barry Philips John Thomstone & Maxwell James Hickinbottom.
The weather was very kind to us although cold considering the storm we had the weekend. The trial started with the normal introductions and I asked if handlers could make a huge effort to stay at the trial if they were out , I have to say you all did the club proud and especially the Host, who was most grateful THANK YOU !
We all walked from the shoot room to the first drive where judges split the dogs into Odds & Evens. Sam and his team pushed some challenging birds over the guns. Once the drive was over the judges set to work sending dogs to pick long retrieves. Unfortunately we lost a few dogs at this early stage. While we waited for our transport to the second drive the judges used the opportunity to go through their books , so they could crack on with the second round. The dogs were lined out behind the guns on a stubble field with a grass margin along a ditch. This drive produced some very fast birds and perfect shooting for the gun team. Judges positioned dogs to give them the best opportunity to pick their birds but unfortunately this proved quite challenging for the dogs left in the trial and judges called Trial Over.
Handlers helped to pick remaining birds with myself as I was picking up for the trial. For a driven trial to work, a good steady supply of birds is needed . This was something that certainly was not lacking and Sam & his team knew just what the club needed. It was a real pleasure to run a trial as a proper shooting day courtesy of Bagots Park. It’s always a little disappointing when a trial ends with no results other than who picked a strong runner during the first drive. Having no other results certainly did not dampen the spirits of the trial and everyone was fed well courtesy of Helen Seaman & Janey Beharrell , the atmosphere in the shoot room was truly wonderful and made me very proud to be part of a fantastic day in a perfect location. Huge thank you to our team of helpers Cheryl Jones, Jane Burton, Roz Ormonde & Paul Watson. Special Thanks to Janey as I could not do this without her and to James for his calming influences when I have sat all night trying to sort trials out.
On that note I have just about survived my second season being FTS, running my own dogs, judging, picking up & teaching. Plans are already being made for next season Merry Christmas from the DV Team
Guns Choice - Bob Seaman with Countryways Sterling, winning the Springfield Trophy donated by Steve & Angie Lomas.
Vanessa King