11th December 2024 - Open AV Spaniel (Except Cocker) Field Trial, Cubley Estate
Dove Valley Working Gundog Club Open AV Spaniel (except Cocker) 16 Dog Trial. 11th December 2024
Bacon and sausage sandwiches, teas and coffees were a warming start to the day, kindly provided by our Chairman's wife Helen Seaman. Jane Burton as Chief Steward gathered everyone together and the day began with a most wonderful welcome from our Host Mr David Legh and keeper Shane Wood.
Six dogs were taken by the judges Jack Iliffe and Steve Adams, with Stewards Vanessa and Heather and game carriers Ray and Sam to the first wood, where the dogs and guns were quickly put to work. Plenty of jovial banter and (quiet) chat kept the gallery entertained. There were plenty of birds and lots of opportunities for the dogs to shine, a few were lost along the way, the excitement of so much game getting the better of them.
After a lovely walk around the beautiful Cubley Estate, the judges deliberated and with 6 dogs still left in, the Trial was called to an end.
Many many thanks to all the helpers, of whom we are fortunate to have plenty, these days could not run so efficiently without them. Jane Burton, Heather Clarke, Vanessa King, Sam Sears, Ray, picker upper Chris, Garry Watson, Bob Seaman. Our sponsors, Skinners Dog Foods, BASC and Twicebrewed Twines.
Many thanks for the support from our guns who shot superbly, with shot of the day being awarded to Julia Bott!
1st : Barry Faley Skitters Abbie of Lindrob (making her up to FTCh subject to KC approval)
2nd : Ben Watkins Laysan Rocky
3rd : Ben Watkins Laysan Adrian
4th : David Massey Borransfell Moneypenny
Certificate of Merit Travis Crothers Rytex Roy who also won Guns Choice Andrew Corey Hagghouse Marody of Throstlegill
It was great to see Barry take home the silver, all of which he had beautifully polished and returned to us only this morning, having won it with the father of this dog last year!!