28th November 2024 - Novice Retriever Walked Up / Driven Field Trial - Foremarke
Dove Valley held its 163rd Field Trial Meeting on the 28th November 2024. This was a Novice trial by Kind Permission of Philip Bishop & his wonderful team.
We had a fantastic team of Guns who very kindly helped to support the trial. They were James Barnes , Henry Carney, Bob Seaman, Barry Philips , Brian Wilshaw & Jacob Henry. Judges today were Helen Goodwin, Kate Smith , Craig Jackson & Lewis Butler. Helping in the line with her lovely Cocker Spaniel was Laura Hill. Dog Steward was Janey Beharrell & Game Carriers were Tom Seaman & Paul Watson. Helen Seaman cooked everyone sausage & bacon rolls to set us up for the cold morning.
The day started off with a walk up in some rough cover, this produced some lovely shooting for the guns on a chilly but sunny morning. Once dogs had picked we moved onto a drive. Phillip put the guns out on the end of a drilled field with their backs to the wood. This tested some of the dogs and unfortunately we lost a few.
The trial moved further down the field for another drive. Judges had all dogs left in the trial in line and again the guns had some great shooting. Dogs were put through their paces until we were left with 3 dogs wanting a bird each to complete the trial. Philip & his team led us to a stretch of game cover to walk up in and it was long before judges called Trial over.
1st Place George Hodgson with Boggwater Fifty Pounds Winning the Staftly Trophy in memory of Pat Taft. The Hawkslow Cup donated by Sally Abram for the Best Yellow Labrador. The Coomberry Trophy for Gun’s Choice donated by Steve & Angie Lomas
2nd Place Kevin Minett with Syltoni Benjamin at Goosetree Winning the Merriwych Trophy in Memory of Dennis Stevens
3rd Place Lesley Cooper with Lioslaith Fly High.
Huge thank you to Philip Bishop for letting Dove Valley run their trial on testing ground. Dove Valley Committee, what a team. Finally after the trial a few of the team went for a drink at a local pub and bumped into a lovely gentleman with his Barn owl perfect end to a perfect day.