Spaniel Training Classes

Training Class Details

Spaniel Training details will be shown here shortly, please come back soon for more information

Please note training classes are open to Members only.


 Training classes are £? in total for all 6 evenings

 Payment can be made via the following link: Click Here 

BACS Transfer

Please use SURNAME and SPANTR as reference AND your membership ID

Dove Valley Working Gundog Club

Sort Code: 30-91-47

Acount Number: 00705632


Training Class Entry Form

Entries are completed online and payment is via any of the methods above.

The cost of the training classes will be £ 90.00

Please enter SPANTR and your name in the identification box when paying.

You will get a confirmation of your entry with directions of the training venues.

Handlers will be divided into 3 groups depending on ability.

Class 1 For handlers and dogs who are new to the sport or those who are not planning to train for Working Tests or Field Trials, this unique course delivers invaluable training and knowledge on Beating, Etiquette and Field Craft by an experienced trainer and Gamekeeper.

Class 2 will cater for handlers who wish to compete in either Working Tests and/or Field Trials.

Class 3 will cater for the more experienced handler wanting to improve their skills and add to their knowledge.

Spaniel owners wishing to use their dogs ONLY for Picking-up or as a Peg Dog should consider joining the Retriever Classes.

Please enter (above) the class you think is most suited to your needs.

Newcomer Novice Novice Dog & Novice Handler Open